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Ys Series :: Discography

Due to the sheer number of Ys albums, we have separated their albums by game on this page. Note that no albums were released for Ys IV: The Mask of the Sun only Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys.

Ys I | Ys II | Ys III | Ys IV | Ys V | Ys VI | Ys VII
Ys I & II Compilations   Ys Origin   Ys Oath in Felghana   Other Albums

Ys I: Ancient Ys Vanished Omen [Top]

Album Title Catalog No.
Ys, Music from KICA-2301
Ys Renewal, Music from KICA-1168
Ys Complete, Recollection of Promotional
Ys Dramatic Concert KICA-1029
Ys, Perfect Collection KICA-1012/3
Ys, Provincialism KICA-1051
Ys Sound Super Collection NF02020
Ys '95, Symphony KICA-1160
Xanadu VS Ys, Original Sound of KHY-1028

Ys II: Ancient Ys Vanished Omen The Final Chapter [Top]

Album Title Catalog No.
Ys II, Music from KICA-2302
Ys II Renewal, Music from KICA-1177
Ys II, Perfect Collection KICA-1014/5
Ys -21st Century-, Symphony NF02033
Ys, The Vocal from 150A-7710

Ys III: Wanderers from Ys [Top]

Album Title Catalog No.
Ys III Wanderers from Ys, Music from KICA-2303
Ys III Wanderers from Ys X68000 Original Soundtrack Promotional
Ys III Wanderers from Ys Game Soundtrack TAITO-017
Ys III Wanderers from Ys, Perfect Collection KICA-1021/2
Ys III Wanderers from Ys Super Arrange Version KICA-2304
Ys III Wanderers from Ys, Symphonic Poem (Falcom Special Box) KICA-9011
Ys III J.D.K. Special KICA-1002

Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys [Top]

Album Title Catalog No.
Ys IV Vol. 1, Perfect Collection KICA-1139
Ys IV Vol. 2, Perfect Collection KICA-1140
Ys IV Vol. 3, Perfect Collection KICA-1144
Ys IV J.D.K. Special KICA-1137
Ys IV J.D.K. Special Part II (Falcom Special Box) KICA-9025
Ys IV Super Arrange Version (Falcom Special Box) KICA-9020

Ys V: Kefin, The Lost City of Sand [Top]

Album Title Catalog No.
Ys V, Music from KICA-1175/6
Ys V Image Album KICA-1172
Ys V Orchestra Version KICA-1178
Ys V, CD Drama (Falcom Special Box) KICA-9026

Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim [Top]

Album Title Catalog No.
Ys VI The Ark of Napishtim Original Soundtrack NW10102630
Ys VI The Ark of Napishtim Special Sound CD VW-265
Ys VI Vocal Version The Songs of Zemeth NW10102640
Ys VI The Songs of Zemeth Instrumental Only SOZ-INST

Ys SEVEN [Top]

Album Title Catalog No.
Ys SEVEN Original Soundtrack NW10102820
Ys SEVEN Original Soundtrack Mini Promotional
Ys SEVEN Musical Selections Promotional

Ys I & II Compilations [Top]

Album Title Catalog No.
Ys I & II Best Sound Selection YS12-BSC
Ys I & II Chronicles Original Soundtrack NW10102810
Ys I & II Chronicles Original Soundtrack Mini Promotional
Ys I & II: Complete Works of Ryo Yonemitsu, Perfect Collection NW10102460
Ys I & II DS Original Soundtrack YSDS-00001
Ys I & II Eternal Original Soundtrack NW10102390
Ys I & II Eternal / The Legend of Heroes IV Unpublished Music NW10102400
Ys I & II: Super Arrange Version, Perfect Collection NW10102470
Ys Books I & II Original Soundtrack, Legacy of 3559-CD-0241
Ys Healing NW10102490
Ys, Symphony NW10102300

Ys Origin [Top]

Album Title Catalog No.
Ys Origin Original Soundtrack NW10102720
Ys Origin Super Arrange Version NW10102740

Ys: The Oath in Felghana [Top]

Album Title Catalog No.
Ys The Oath in Felghana Original Soundtrack NW10102660
Ys The Oath in Felghana J.D.K. Special YSF-JDKSP
Ys The Oath in Felghana Super Arrange Version NW10102670
Ys The Oath in Felghana Perfect Collection NW10102650
Ys The Oath in Felghana Premium Music CD Box in Felghana Promotional

Other Albums [Top]

Album Title Catalog No.
Falcom Game Music 28XA-179
Falcom Plus Mix Version 150A-7712
Ys MIDI Collection NF02003
Ys Music History YS-MUSHY
Ys Piano Collection NW10102370
Ys Piano Collection 2 KICA-1142
Ys Special Collection ~All About Falcom~ Memorial Sounds Promotional
Ys Strategy Original Soundtrack Promotional
Ys, The Very Best of KICA-1220
Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki Alternative Saga Collective Music Files Promotional