- Atlus - Capcom - Cave - Falcom - Irem - Konami - Microsoft - Namco Bandai - Nintendo - Nippon Ichi - Grasshopper - Sega - Sony - Square Enix - Western Games - Castlevania - Chrono - Dragon Quest - Final Fantasy - Kingdom Hearts - Mana - Mario - Megami Tensei - Mega Man - Metal Gear - Resident Evil - SaGa - Silent Hill - Sonic - Star Ocean - Street Fighter - Suikoden - Tales - Ys - Zelda - Masashi Hamauzu - Norihiko Hibino - Kenji Ito - Noriyuki Iwadare - Koji Kondo - Yuzo Koshiro - Shoji Meguro - Yasunori Mitsuda - Manabu Namiki - Hitoshi Sakimoto - Motoi Sakuraba - Tenpei Sato - Yoko Shimomura - Koichi Sugiyama - Masafumi Takada - Nobuo Uematsu - Michiru Yamane - Akira Yamaoka
Below is a list of the game series covered on this site. We refer to the overseas names of the series, though you may find it useful to read the game title equivalencies page.