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Xenosaga: Kokoro - Joanne Hogg :: Review by Simon

Xenosaga: Kokoro - Joanne Hogg Album Title: Xenosaga: Kokoro - Joanne Hogg
Record Label: DigiCube
Catalog No.: SSCX-10061
Release Date: February 11, 2002
Purchase: Buy at Game Music Online


"Kokoro� is the single from the Xenosaga Episode I soundtrack, and is sung by Joanne Hogg. Interestingly, the single doesn't begin with the song, but with another vocal theme called "Pain".

"Pain" is a song that follows the thoughts of the main character and, sung in English, has a quiet verse and a huge stomping chorus. The piano is present throughout and holds the main tune, while Joanne's voice soars throughout, especially in the chorus where key changes are present throughout. The song has an epic feel to it that's especially present in the instrumental verse played by a solitary whistle. It's a complex but very satisfying listen.

"Kokoro", the ending theme for Xenosaga Episode I is the second vocal track on the single. Opening with acoustic guitar arpeggios, instruments are layered constantly on top of each other to make listening especially enjoyable. Upon each listen, you'll find a new part of the song that you hadn't noticed last time. The way in which the different duel vocal arrangements (as in "Pain" too) are done sets Joanne Hogg's vocals apart from the crowd. The whole song is a classic from start to finish, and I guarantee that you'll be pressing the repeat button when it's done.

Track 3 is a piano version of "Kokoro". The version is slow and heartfelt, preferring to use sparse arrangement to make more emphasis on the emotions than make a powerful finger-numbing piece. It works very well indeed. Tracks 4 and 5 are instrumental versions of "Pain" and "Kokoro" which are faultless and with lyrics provided to sing along with too!

I highly recommend the single if you don't intend to buy the soundtrack. With so much talent for such a small price, you'd be mad to miss it!

Overall Score: 9/10