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The Silver #01 STRUCTURE :: Review by Chris

The Silver #01 STRUCTURE Album Title: The Silver #01 STRUCTURE
Record Label: Grasshopper Manufacture
Catalog No.: GHMR-001
Release Date: April 20, 2001
Purchase: Buy at eBay


Grasshopper Manufacture's first game The Silver Case was eventually commemorated by three album releases. Of these, The Silver #01 STRUCTURE provides the original score, while the other two are arranged albums. Though he had worked on several low-profile titles previously, this project was the project that first gave Masafumi Takada a unique voice. His approach to The Silver Case was musically innovative and technologically commanded for its time. However, does its album release stand up as well? It was actually released twice, but whereas the original release features two bonus remixes, the reprint features four new compositions perhaps from the Mobile or DS adaptations instead. Let's take a look at how the original version fares...


"The Silver Case" sets a surprisingly warm and upbeat tone for the game and soundtrack. After an ethereal synthy introduction, the composition jumps straight into some funky bass riffs and soft piano chords. While the format could have been unspectacular, Takada offers so many infectious rhythms and compelling layers while developing the composition. The game itself might be a murder mystery, but it's clear the protagonist is going to have a fun rather than horrifying time solving it. This sort of vibe is maintained throughout the soundtrack. "His Room" and "Morishima Tokio" are written in much the same tone and demonstrate twice more than Takada is the master of catchy riffs. The former nevertheless brings a twisted edge to the game with its dissonant piano works and warped electronic beats, but not at the expense of aesthetics. Meanwhile Morishima's theme has a heroic vibe to it with all its ascending chord sequences and happy-go-lucky improvisations.

Although there are highlight compositions in The Silver #01, there are numerous filler works too. Tracks like "Kokusai Bldg", "Desktop", "Tearoom", and "Neutral" are kind to the ears with their catchy beats and beautiful mixing, but really don't go anywhere or express anything. They're not as shallow as muzak, but more could have been done to make them artistically inspiring. Even so, I couldn't help feel be seduced by the blend of strings, piano, and funk bass in "24 Modern" and the Kikuta-esque integration of the tuned percussion in "Kusabi". Meanwhile the dark twists on the formula in "Investigation" and "Public Security" are surprisingly delicious. As the soundtrack reaches its closure, there are some charming thematic recapitulations in "Last 24" as well as turbulent psychological exploration in "Reminiscences".

Despite the upbeat flavour overall, there is quite a lot of drama within The Silver. The combination of piano and synth creates such a surreal effect in "Moon" and the resultant soundscapes work beautifully in the game. "Yukimura" meanwhile sounds rather tragic with its slow strings. While it's pretty clear that Takada isn't a classically-trained string composer, he still shows functional command of the section with his audacious chord choices and emotionally demanding texturing. The closer brings Takada's eccentricity to the forefront as he melds all sorts of different beats and samples together into an uplifting nu funk work. Somehow it manages to be goofy yet stylish. But isn't that just a representation of Takada all over? Finally, there are two bonus remixes on the original print of the soundtrack. There is Itoh-kun's eccentric and ever-changing interpretation of the score, as later featured on The Silver #02 DESTRUCTOR. In addition, there is a soulful acoustic guitar interpretation of the main theme that provides a true exclusive to the release.


Masafumi Takada's first major score certainly brings with it a lot of personality and charisma. So many of the tracks here are instantly charming with their infectious rhythms and expressive qualities. Yet while some are well-developed and artistic, others feel like underdeveloped variations on a formula. They're effective in the game and catchy enough on a stand-alone basis, but not really individualised enough. What is left is still an entertaining listen, but not as encompassing or insightful as it could have been. For those who enjoyed No More Heroes and Killer7, The Silver #01 STRUCTURE is nevertheless a worthwhile next port of call. Given the original version lacks some integral compositions like "Jack Hammer", "Apricot Square", and "Tokio AM", I'd recommend the reprint version overall, though the bonus remixes here are decent enough and provide playtime for money.

Overall Score: 8/10