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Genso Suikoden Vocal Collections - Reminiscence

Yuko Imai Alternative Title: Kaiso (Japanese Title)
Composition: Miki Higashino
Arrangement: Hiroshi Takaki
Lyrics: Miki Higashino, Tadashi Toda, Misao
Vocals: Yuko Imai

Lyrics - Original English Version

La, la, la, la, la...

Ah, time is passing
We have no way to stop it in front of our eyes

Why are we so sad?
Who could tell this feeling would happen to you and me?

Far away, remember?
Far away, you and me
The innocence
We were so free
Memories in sepia
Far away, so pure
There is always a place in my heart

When I close my eyes
All I can remember is your gentle smile

We talked our dreams
Under the moonlight, seems like a long time ago

When I open my eyes
I wonder if I'll ever see you again

Now we let our hands go
No one knows what fate is waiting for you and me

Albums Featured In

Album Title Catalog No.
Genso Suikoden Vocal Collection ~La Passione Commuove La Storia~ KMCA-163