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Mitsuhiro Kaneda :: Discography

Overview Biography Discography Game Projects Interviews

For an album to be listed here, it indicates the artist's involvement, but doesn't indicate the nature or size of their contributions. All such information is provided within the album pages.

Original Scores

Album Title Catalog No.
Death Meta - Book of Music CHCD-1005
Deltora Quest The Seven Jewels Original Soundtrack VGCD-0130
Elminage ~The Dark Sorceress and the Ring of Gods~ Original Soundtrack Promotional
ESPGaluda II Original Soundtrack CVST-0004
Fantavision Original Soundtrack SVWC-7060
Final Fantasy Tactics A2 Grimoire of the Rift Original Soundtrack SQEX-10102/3
Grim Grimoire Soundtrack CD (Japan) Promotional
Grim Grimoire Original Soundtrack (US) Promotional
Kumatanchi Original Soundtrack BSPE-1001
L no Kisetsu 2 Invisible Memories Original Soundtrack FVCG-1010
Let's Tap Soundtrack SRIN-1057
Metal Slug Complete Sound Box SCDC-00542/9
Muramasa The Demon Blade Original Soundtrack BSPE-1002/4
Mushihimesama Perfect Soundtrack INDV-0107
Odin Sphere Original Soundtrack VGCD-0120
Pink Sweets Ibara Original Soundtrack CVST-0005
Tekken 6 Soundtrack SRIN-1068
Wizardry Gaiden ~Prisoners of the Battles & Five Ordeals~ Audio Collections FPBD-0005

Arranged Albums

Album Title Catalog No.
Death Smiles Premium Arrange Album CVST-0009
Stella Deus BGM ReArrange Album Promotional
Street Fighter II Remix Tracks, Hyper INCD-0104

Other Game Albums

Album Title Catalog No.
Tori no Hoshi -Aerial Planet- Planet Symphony Promotional