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Popful Mail Sound Box '94 :: Review by GoldfishX
OverviewPopful Mail Sound Box '94 comes on two CDs. Disc One is the Super Famicom version of the game's score and Disc Two contains the music from the Mega CD and PC-Engine versions (that's "Super Nintendo", "Sega CD", and "Turbo Grafx 16" respectively for the American gamers out there).At the end of Disc Two, there is a vocal version of Disc One's ending theme, "Somebody Loves You". It's not the most spectacular Falcom soundtrack, but for what it is a gamey, lighthearted album for an anime-inspired action RPG it gets the job done. This is the kind of music you put in and simply drift into a good mood with. Three different versions are a nice touch, although they all have their strong points and weaknesses. Let's take a closer look... BodyPersonally, I listen to disc 1 the most. The Super Nintendo has always had a great sound chip and it does the music for this game justice. It's not as harsh on the ears as the CD versions and it comes out much better than, say, the SNES version of Ys III. All tracks loop once, giving plenty of time to get a feel for the music. Speaking of which, a lot of the music on this disc didn't make the cut to the CD versions. Not a big loss given how well it turned out here. "Welcome Popful Mail" pretty much sets the tone for the entire soundtrack, with a bouncy feel. "Quick Tempered Spirit" sounds remarkably like the NES classic "Ice Climber," with a lighthearted, jazzy sound. Tracks 10, 15, 19, 20 and 21 are the ones that correspond to the battle themes on Disc Two. I don't know why they aren't listed identically on the tracklist on the back. These are pretty much the meat of the disc, as the "Exploration" themes have a bit of a bland feel to them. Overall, a great CD. I haven't played the CD versions of the game, so I can't say for sure if the tracks on Disc Two follow the redbook audio. I say this, because unlike other Falcom releases on CD that contain arrangements of the original music (the Ys games, most notably), these tracks play through once then fade out. At the very least, most redbook audio loops once or twice. These tracks give little to no variation to their Disc One counterparts, differing only in synth quality (the Mega CD tracks have more of a lighthearted feel, while the PC-Engine ones are closer to the typical Falcom rock). On top of that, the sound quality improvement isn't that great. I don't want to sound too hard on this disc because it has plenty of good tracks, but the disjointed listening experience puts a major damper on it. For the most part, I prefer the PC-Engine versions over the Mega CD ones. "Opening" has a frantic around-and-around sound to it. The PC-Engine versions of "Volcanic Zone (Battle)" and "Geist Race" are excellent Falcom rock, and "Iceberg Zone (Battle)" has a great techno beat to it. Finally, the vocal version of "Somebody Loves You" is a great end for the disc. The soothing vocals lend themselves to another version of the song that is dead-on with its Disc One version. A little disappointing, but this disc has enough good points to warrant a few listens here and there. The liner notes are the icing on the cake. Inside are several black and white pictures of Popful's adventures (there's one that has her hugging a sword that costs 10,000 gold pieces, with the party completely broke. This was the one that really brought up the "Slayers" comparison). Very nice. SummaryI have a soft spot for Popful Mail Sound Box '94, but the main people I would recommend it to are those who have fond memories of playing the game. The Sega CD version miraculously made it to the US thanks to Working Designs. People not familiar with the game should listen to the samples and approach with caution. This isn't Ys or Sorcerian music, so you might be a bit let down with the somewhat weak compositions. For those looking for a great Falcom album to add to their collection, try the Super Arrange Version of these tracks that is found on Falcom Special Box '94, it's a much better overall listening experience. Also, keep in mind that this pretty much the only source of the original music. The PC version on Falcom Special Box '93 is mind-numbingly 8-bit and the rest of the Popful Mail CDs are drama albums. As for tracking it down, it came out in 1994 and most Falcom albums from that time period are a pain to track down. This set is no exception. Sold on eBay, it will probably hit between $70-$100. It's cheaper on Yahoo! Japan Auctions, but still very infrequent. Falcom Special Box '94 offers more bang for your buck, so I say go with that instead. Overall Score: 6/10 |
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