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Super Robot Taisen Alpha 2nd: Skill - JAM Project :: Review by Chris

Super Robot Taisen Alpha 2nd: Skill - JAM Project Album Title: Super Robot Taisen Alpha 2nd: Skill - JAM Project
Record Label: Lantis
Catalog No.: LACA-4090
Release Date: April 23, 2003
Purchase: Buy at CDJapan


JAM Project are a J-Rock group that principally make theme songs for animations. In addition, they have been a regular force on Banpresto's Super Robot Taisen games, given their extensive use of mecha anime crossovers. After debuting on the PlayStation's Super Robot Taisen Alpha, they have appeared on nearly every main game on the series, each time releasing singles featuring their opening and ending theme songs. Let's take a look at their offerings on 2nd Super Robot Taisen Alpha.


After being left cripplingly short in game animation and soundtrack release, in what has become a recurring trend for the series, it's delightful that the opening song "Skill" is given a chance to really expand on this single. The most enjoyable feature here are the 'call and response' vocal passages between the female and male vocalists, who both really bounce off each. The rock accompaniment verges on melodramatic, but this is arguably part of the charm and it certainly adds to the anison spirit.

The ending theme "Forever & Ever" is also greatly elaborated upon here. Once again, there is creative use of both the male and female vocalists here, but in a rather different way. Whereas some parts of the song resemble a romantic duet, others are closer to a rock anthem. Unfortunately, the song comes across as a bit disjointed overall despite its touching moments, though gradually becomes more unified during the latter half.

The main exclusives on the single are the full-length versions of the theme songs that only featured in shortened versions in the game and its soundtrack release. However, there are also instrumental versions of the theme songs at the end of the single, lacking any vocals. These are good for karaoke purposes, but a little pointless and hollow otherwise.


Overall, the theme songs for 2nd Super Robot Taisen Alpha are enjoyable, but they're really not up to the superlative quality of their direct predecessor. Instead of heading for this single, dedicated fans of JAM Project should consider the Super Robot Taisen JAM Project Theme Song Collection instead, since it features these full-length songs and 12 others from the series.

Overall Score: 7/10