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Fighters Megamix Soundtrack :: Review by Chris

Fighters Megamix Soundtrack Album Title: Fighters Megamix Soundtrack
Record Label: Toshiba EMI
Catalog No.: TYCY-5550/1
Release Date: March 26, 1997
Purchase: Buy at eBay


In an attempt to popularise the Saturn, Sega released the acclaimed crossover fighting game Fighters Megamix in 1996. It featured the complete cast of Virtua Fighter 2 and Fighters Vipers, as well as a number of guest appearances. The soundtrack, led by Takenobu Mitsuyoshi, featured some original music, but mainly featured reprises of existing arrangements of other fighting scores...


The majority of the Fighters Megamix Soundtrack features reprises of tracks featured in the Saturn versions of Fighting Vipers and Virtua Fighter 2, given the ported cast from each game. The featured soundtracks are likeable, but not exceptional. The Fighting Vipers offerings range from the gritty guitar-punctuated "Bahn" to the lively keyboard-decorated "Raxel"; the tracks have an energetic and modern feel throughout, though suffer a little from derivative qualities and lack of variety. The Virtua Fighter 2 stage themes are also rock-focused, though is quite a bit less impressive in terms of compositional refinement and is only mildly enhanced with its Saturn treatment. The score nevertheless offers some melodic gems such as "Man of the Fist" to exotic excursions such as "Mountain Hermit Shun Di".

Unfortunately, the reuse of these scores is problematic for many reasons. First of all, Fighters Megamix offers little original value for gamers and album collectors who have already experienced the Virtua Fighter 2 and Fighting Vipers soundtracks. Worse still, the two soundtracks aren't presented effectively here. All the Fighting Vipers tracks are short versions, cut after 1:16, meaning their full development doesn't shine. Furthermore, the compositions from both games aren't integrated properly with the rest of the album and are included after the ending themes. The Virtua Fighter 2 soundtrack feels especially tagged on, since the entire second disc is dedicated to it, albeit without the non-stage themes that completed its individual album release.

The Fighters Megamix soundtrack does feature a number of original themes, but they're not worthwhile ones. Menu themes such as "Name Entry", "Ranking", and "Fighters Megamix" are acceptable in context, but are too brief and bland to appeal otherwise. It is also difficult to feel excited about the nine ending themes; though a little more fleshed-out than most fighting ending themes, the majority are just very vanilla rock, pop, or orchestral imitations lacking the strong melodies and clear focus of the stage themes. There is also a vocal theme based off Rent A Hero for those who enjoy Takenobu Mitsuyoshi's voice. This track has since been reused on the Vermilion vs Rent A Hero Original Soundtrack.


The Fighters Megamix Soundtrack is an example of a crossover soundtrack done badly. The Fighting Vipers and Virtua Fighter 2 tracks really needed novel arrangements and proper integration into the rest of the score to shine. The final album feels more like three lacking soundtracks jammed into one album than a cohesive and fulfilling overall experience. The result is better in-game, but still could have been more inspired.

Overall Score: 4/10