Submissions Guidelines :: Reviews
Thank you for considering submitting a review to the site. We're very happy to accept most reviews so long as they're informative and well-written. Before making a submission of your own reviews, note the following:
- Content: We accept reviews of any official or fan-arranged game music album. We don't like to unnecessarily restrict our contributors or visitors and feel this enhances our compendium. If you review an album otherwise uncovered, we can simply add the album page to accommodate. However, we only cover Japanese material so please submit any Western game music reviews to our partner VGM Rush.
- Format: It is usual to adopt an 'introduction - body - conclusion' format to reviews. The body should either be several paragraphs discussing the tracks of an album or a series of track-by-track reviews. A score out of 10 should be provided for the album as a whole. If you don't like this approach or want to take a more creative format, you're welcome to.
- Length: Review length is also flexible. A review length of five paragraphs or longer is optimal, though we also accept short informative reviews. Please try to write in a coherent concise manner regardless. Length doesn't determine review quality.
- Naming Conventions: It's much easier for us if you use the track title translations provided on our album pages as they may differ elsewhere. It's difficult and tedious for us to match up other translations.
- Editing: All submitted reviews are subject to editing by the webmaster. This is intended to optimise their clarity, conciseness, level of detail, factual accuracy, spelling, and grammar. You're welcome to contact the webmaster if you disagree with particular changes.
Please submit your review to chris [at] squareenixmusic.com preferably as a .doc or .txt attachment or paste in to the body of the email. Please include your name as you would like it to appear on the site. You should expect your review on the site within 10 days if accepted.