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Special Features :: Event Reports

Below are a list of reports and reviews dedicated to various concerts and other musical events. See the concerts section for further information on the events. Please contact us if you would like to submit an article. We'd love to host your report and, if available, any pictures.

Jul. 2003: Motoi Sakuraba Live Concert Star Ocean & Valkyrie Profile DVD
Chris looks at a progressive rock concert of tri-Ace music recorded on DVD
Sep. 2003: Mario & Zelda Big Band Live DVD
Chris on the musical strengthes and visual weaknesses of this fan-fuelled concert
Mar. 2004: Tour de Japon - Music from Final Fantasy DVD
Dave provides an exuberant report of the first game music tour
May 2004: Dear Friends - Music from Final Fantasy Premiere
Tim at the Los Angeles premiere of the first stateside Final Fantasy concert tour
May 2005: More Friends - Music from Final Fantasy
Terraguy after the Los Angeles orchestral concert featuring The Black Mages
Aug. 2005: FFXI Summer Carnival 2005
Kago at the Japanese event featuring The Star Onions and Izumi Masuda
Mar. 2006: Video Games Live in San Jose
Sophia from the first stop on Video Game Live's 2006 tour
May 2006: PLAY! A Video Game Symphony Premiere
Tim at the Chicago debut of the orchestral world tour
Jul. 2006: Video Games Live in Philadelphia
Merziloss after the Philadelphia performance of the prolific world tour
Dec. 2006: Passion in Sydney
Harry from the small ensemble event by the Eminence Symphony Orchestra
Dec. 2006: Video Games Live in São Paulo
Totz reports from Brazil on Video Games Live's latest stop
Jul. 2007: Destiny - Reunion in Sydney
Kairi Li at the piano quintet performance by the Eminence Symphony Orchestra
Aug. 2007: Fifth Symphonic Game Music Concert
Baltimoore from the fifth GC Games Convention concert at Leipzig
Sep. 2007: Press Start 2007 -Symphony of Games-
Crystal on the highs and lows of the Yokohoma performance
Dec. 2007: Distant Worlds - Music from Final Fantasy Premiere
Nanaman at the Stockholm debut of the Final Fantasy concert world tour
Dec. 2007: Orchestral Pieces from Lost Odyssey & Blue Dragon
Crystal on the concert featuring Nobuo Uematsu's Mistwalker works
Mar. 2008: Distant Worlds - Music from Final Fantasy in Chicago
Jonathan following the the second performance of the Distant Worlds tour
Apr. 2008: Gyakuten Saiban Orchestra Concert Premiere
Crystal at Capcom's lavish event for the Phoenix Wright series in Tokyo
Aug. 2008: The Black Mages Live "Darkness and Starlight"
Chris looks at the exuberant event featuring cello quartets, rock bands, and DJs
Aug. 2008: Symphonic Shades - Huelsbeck in Concert
Hamu-Sumo tells what it was like to be at the acclaimed concert. Johan's review here
Aug. 2008: Persona Music Live DVD
Raziel discusses the DVD recording of the vocal concert
Sep. 2008: Press Start 2008 -Symphony of Games-
Thomas Boecker on the latest multi-title orchestral game concert in Japan
Sep. 2008: Gyakuten Saiban Orchestra Concert DVD
Chris on the live 'orchestra meets courtroom' experience
Jan. 2009: PLAY! A Video Game Symphony Recording Concert
CloudyMemory reminisces about the Prague concert recorded for the PLAY! album
Mar. 2009: Video Game Orchestra at the Berklee School of Music
Oliver informs all about the second performance of Berklee's student orchestra
May 2009: Monster Hunter Orchestra Concert DVD
Chris looks at the recreation of the orchestral experience on a limited edition DVD
Jul. 2009: Distant Worlds - Music from Final Fantasy at Baltimoore
Don gives his personal insight on the Distant Worlds tour
Aug. 2009: Sinfonia Drammatica
Mr_Elvis at the East Meets West experience in Stockholm
Aug. 2009: Press Start 2009 -Symphony of Games-
PQTN gives a critical insight into the direction of the Japan series
Sep. 2009: Symphonic Fantasies - Music from Square Enix
Chris on the inside experience with the composers in Cologne. Don's review here
Sep. 2009: Final Fantasy VI Concert by Little Jack Orchestra
Adam discusses the fan-made orchestral tribute to the classic score
Oct. 2009: A Night in Fantasia 2009
Danie discusses the four hour concert dedicated to diverse games and animes
Dec. 2009: Video Games Live in Cardiff
Chris on the well-received finale of the team's Europe 2009 tour
Dec. 2009: Distant Worlds - Music from Final Fantasy in Chicago
Don attends the very special concert premiering new arrangements and FFXIV music
Mar. 2010: Castlevania - The Concert
Kevin discusses the impressive gothic experience at the Stockholm Konserthuset
May 2010: Fantasy Comes Alive
Beyond Moments on the celebration of video game and anime music in Singapore
Jun. 2010: Distant Worlds II - More Music from Final Fantasy
SEMO's webmaster attends the definitive Final Fantasy concert in Stockholm
Sep. 2010: Symphonic Legends - Music from Nintendo
Exclusive analysis of the Nintendo concert's items
Oct. 2010: Dog Ear Records Event
Tokyo event featuring Earthbound Papas, the Pia-Coms, Benyamin Nuss, and more...
Mar. 2011: Distant Worlds Double Concert in New York City
Matt reports on the two nights, two setlists experience in New York City