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Silent Hill Origins - Shot Down In Flames

Mary Elizabeth McGlynn Alternative Title: N/A
Composition: Akira Yamaoka
Arrangement: N/A
Lyrics: Joe Romersa
Vocals: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn

Lyrics - Original English Version

Swear at the walls, they make fun of me
Day after day eyes that follow me
Is it you again? Can this be the end forever

See through your eyes, child heart that cries
Raven flight, flies and the meaning dies
As it was before, it will be no more — time does that

Say it again like you said, does it sound like you?
Where are you now? Does the young one know you're here?
Breath on the glass once again, feel it pull you in
Nobody leaves, you won't let you, you're afflicted

Can you hide who you are? Take a look at yourself
Can you stop what will be? You think running will help
Can't give up on the past, when that past never ends
Now the dead that you raised live in me

What have you done? You're insane, can you bring God down
Plans that you made don't include me, one more time
But I will dance on the wind, breathing in your heart
Your sacrific wasn't wanted, still you try

Say it again! Like you said, does it sound like you?
Where are you now? Does the young one know you're here?
Breath on the glass once again, feel it pull you in
Nobody leaves, you won't let you, you're afflicted

Albums Featured In

Album Title Catalog No.
Silent Hill Zero Original Soundtracks LC-1627