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Kingdom Hearts - Destati

Tokyo Philharmonic Chorus Alternative Title: Awaken (English Translation)
Composition: Yoko Shimomura
Arrangement: N/A
Lyrics: N/A
Vocals: Tokyo Philharmonic Chorus

Lyrics - Original Latin Version

Destati! Tendi la mano
E' giunta l'ora, destati
Le porte verranno schiuse

Su rimembra tu trepida
Su sveglia! Ehi ricorda

Destati, destati
Forza, tendi la mano
Destati, destati
E' giunta l'ora

E ancora una volta
Apriranno le porte

Su rimembra tu trepida
Su sveglia! Ehi ricorda

Eh? Come? Non lo vuoi?
Tuttavia t'appartiene
Cio che hai perduto
Diventera uno!

Lyrics - English Translation

Awaken! Extend your hand
The time is now: wake up
The door will close, then open again

So remember the emotion
So wake up! And remember

Awaken, awaken
Extend your hand
Awaken, awaken
The time is now

Once again
Open the door

So remember the emotion
So wake up! And remember

Eh? Why? You don't want to?
It still belongs to you
That which you have lost
Will become one!

Albums Featured In

Album Title Catalog No.
Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack TOCT-24768/9

Note: A synth version also features in the Kingdom Hearts II Original Soundtrack.