Site Contributors :: Nathan Black
Site Role
Email Address
Joined Site
August 2006
Favourite Game Music Artists
Masashi Hamauzu Motoi Sakuraba Hitoshi Sakimoto Yoko Kanno
Date of Birth
September 3, 1986
Place of Residence
California, United States
GIS Technician
General Interests
Guitar Composing Economics Sleep
Born and raised in California, I've spent my life under the oppressive might of a video game addiction. My very first RPG was Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest, and I love that game to this day. It is all things epic. A few years ago, I stumbled upon what was then known as Tuareg and then Fruity Loops, and have been poking in the dark at making my own music. Right now, I'm attending college at California Polytechnic University, Pomona, and working on completing my Bachelor's in Geography, emphasis in Geography Information Systems. I tend to phase in and out of things around here, but when I am around, I like to review when I can. Drop me a line, I love to chat.
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