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Motoaki Furukawa

Overview Biography Discography Game Projects Interviews

Motoaki Furukawa Date of Birth: November 6, 1960s (Kobe)
Musical Influences: Lee Ritenour, The Beatles, Casiopea, Joe Pass
Instruments: Electric Guitar, Synthesizer
Band Involvement: Kukeiha Club (1990 - 1998), Voyager (2006 - )
Game Works: Gradius II, Xexex, Guitar Freaks, Policenauts

Employment History

Company Tenure Role
Konami 1986 - 2003 Composer, CD Production
Freelance 2003 - Composer

Brief Profile

Motoaki Furukawa is a jazz-rock fusion musician that is influenced by Lee Ritenour and fanatical about the electric guitar. After joining various bands throughout his school and university years, including the successful Voyager, he joined Konami's Sound Design Room in 1986. He initially scored a string of MSX and Arcade scores such as Gradius II (all versions), F1 Spirit, A-Jax, Super Contra, King's Valley II, and Hino Tori.

After being transferred to Konami's CD production sector in 1989, Furukawa produced the solo album Sound Locomotive in his trademark style and established the Kukeiha Club, Konami's in-house band that produced two albums and later became a cover band. He continued to make occasional composing contributions such as Xexex, Sunset Riders, Policenauts, Castlevania 64 and, at the end of the 1990s, several arranged albums.

In 2003, Furukawa became a freelancer. While he has mainly refrained from conventional game scoring, he has been a regular contributor to Guitar Freaks series and will having a role on Thunder Force VI. He has also been a regular contributor of arrangements to albums commemorating classic game music. He has also released several solo albums and a new record label that regularly releases EPs. Furukawa leaves an enormous legacy at Konami.

More Information in Detailed Biography