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Cave :: Composers

Overview Game List Discography Composers

This page lists the most famous composers that have composed for Cave, past and present. It does not include their new sound team, featuring Naohiro Saitou, Daisuke Matsumoto, Kizakura, Masaki Suzuki, and Natsuko Naitou. It also discludes their former collaborators Ryuichi Yabuki, Nanpei Misawa, Eddie You, Andrew Persons Lin, Masahiro Kusunoki, N.T., Yukinori Kikuchi.

Shinji Hosoe
The head of Super Sweep caused a storm with his rock score for the original Ibara
Manabu Namiki
Electronica musician at Basiscape known for his work on shooters by Cave and Eighting / Raizing