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Kingdom Hearts Piano Collection

The Kingdom Hearts Piano Collection project was initiated by Josh Barron at forums in January 2005. The completed sheet music from the project is available for download below, along with MIDIs and sequenced MP3s.

Title: Kingdom Hearts Piano Collection
Original Composer: Yoko Shimomura
Related Album: Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack Complete Box
Arrangers: Josh Barron
Start Date: January 2005
Activity: Dormant
Status: Incomplete
Forum Discussion: Click Here

Track Listings

MIDI File Finale Sheet Music Finale Sheet Music GIF/JPG Sheet Music GIF/JPG Sheet Music
MP3 File MP3 File Scorch Sheet Music Sibelius Scorch Sheets Adobe PDF File Adobe PDF File

Use the legend above to determine the format of the file. See our resources section for aid on how to view/listen to the arrangements. Please respect the hard work of the artists by not performing this music or posting it on other sites without their permission.

Title Sheets MIDIs MP3s
01) Dive Into the Heart ~ Destati Sibelius Scorch Sheet Music MIDI File MP3 File
02) Destiny Island Sibelius Scorch Sheet Music MIDI File MP3 File
03) Traverse Town ~ The Afternoon Streets      
04) Hand In Hand ~ The 13th Struggle      
05) Roxas      
06) Kairi      
07) This Is Halloween Sibelius Scorch Sheet Music MIDI File MP3 File
08) Hollow Bastion Sibelius Scorch Sheet Music MIDI File MP3 File
09) Scherzo di Notte Sibelius Scorch Sheet Music MIDI File MP3 File
10) Home of the Dragons      
11) Dearly Beloved Sibelius Scorch Sheet Music MIDI File MP3 File
12) Hikari Sibelius Scorch Sheet Music MIDI File MP3 File
13) Another Side      
14) Regnum Cor Denique ~For Piano~